Richard Jay and Orange Sky: a partnership for positively connecting communities

At Richard Jay, we believe that everyone deserves clean clothes and warm conversation. That’s why we’re proud to support Orange Sky, a non-profit organisation that provides these essential services to Australians experiencing homelessness.

Orange Sky has a phenomenal impact in the lives of those in need. During the 21/22 Financial year, with the help of 1824 volunteers providing 63,163 laundry loads to people in need, this organisation is truly making a difference, and Richard Jay is proud to be a part of their mission.

Richard Jay has provided LG Commercial washers and dryers for Orange Sky’s mobile vans, enabling them to bring their services to communities all over Australia. These washers and dryers are not only built to withstand the regular movement of a mobile laundry, but they are also designed to run with outstanding reliability – and the equipment is only the beginning. 

In the last FY, Orange Sky has provided over 12,022 mobile laundry shifts’ worth of clean clothes and 89,402 hours of genuine, non-judgmental conversation to those who need it most, and Richard Jay is proud to contribute to this mission – just one way we’re living up to our commitment to making a positive impact on the community.

Together, we’re making a difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness and creating a better, more supportive community for all.