Healthcare laundry solutions

Richard Jay understands the importance
of meeting Australian standards

Tackling infection control

At Richard Jay, we know that disinfection, cleanliness and reliable performance are the top priorities for healthcare laundry solutions.

That’s why we work with healthcare providers across Australia to supply industrial washers, dryers, dishwashers, chemicals and dispensing solutions that work together to maintain a hygienic environment.

Barrier laundry experts

All healthcare laundries require the separation of dirty and clean areas to prevent the spread of infection. Barrier washers offer the best solution for reducing cross-contamination, which is particularly important in frail and high-care centres or environments with dangerous pathogens.

Barrier washers have two doors – one for loading dirty laundry and one for offloading clean laundry. They also require dedicated personnel to operate the dirty and clean areas and a physical wall separating the spaces.

Richard Jay offers a range of barrier washers with capacities from 13kg to 110kg. Our most popular models are the 20kg and 27kg barrier washers, which are commonly used in care facilities in Australia and ensure the best standards of care are maintained.

We can also help you achieve ISO compliance with our special range of equipment that’s designed to meet the toughest certification requirements.

Heat pump dryers – an energy efficient option

With the growing awareness of the need for sustainability, customers are looking for ways to reduce their energy consumption.

Heat pump dryers offer a great solution, using up to 60% less energy than ducted dryers. This advanced technology can even make electric heat pump dryers more cost-effective than gas dryers – offering business owners significant savings.


Meeting Australian standards, every time

Our team has a deep understanding of Australian standards for laundries in healthcare facilities. We can help you ensure that your facility is compliant, and you’re not placing residents or patients at any unnecessary risk.

All care facilities require industrial washers with internal heating to meet thermal disinfection requirements, which is achieved by washing at 65°C for 10 minutes or 71°C for 3 minutes.

Our advanced remote chemical management solution, JayCloud, allows us to record and validate thermal disinfection – critical in achieving Australian standards.

Ongoing asset management

We understand that industrial laundry equipment is designed to last for 30,000 cycles, but it still needs to be managed and maintained. That’s why every machine sold by Richard Jay is allocated an asset number and all call-outs and repairs are recorded – meaning  this information is quickly and easily shared with the care facility when required.

We also recommend establishing service level agreements for regular maintenance to all of our clients. This preventative maintenance allows us to keep your equipment running at 100% efficiency and identifies small issues before they become costly repairs.

Equipment for care facilities

We offer a wide range of laundry equipment and solutions for healthcare facilities.

Explore our best selling

Commercial Washers

Commercial Dryers